1. The latest update completely broke this app making it completely useless. The reviews arent read, and the developers never take feedback from people.
2. Connecting to Facebook has never worked in this app, and if it did, Im sure it wouldnt sync articles that have been read between devices.
3. Ads are becoming more intrusive, as they fill the screen without being clicked. Almost as if the developers get paid for clicks, and are tricking the system into thinking an ad was clicked!
4. There needs to be an option to disable ads, even if its just $.99.
5. Comments are gone, and it doesnt seem theyre ever coming back.
6. Even though it says its downloading articles, you still have to be connected to the Internet, because its not really downloading the articles.
7. Font size is now broken with the latest update. Every update seems to break something now.
Shaun Conlin about Engadget: Technology, Features, v4.4.1